Biscotti Green Tea, Choco and Original Almond Biscotti - By Peggy Lim

Ingredients A
4 egg whites

90 g castor sugar
Pinch of salt

Ingredients B
120g plain flour
30g rice flour

Ingredients C
100 g while almonds

Method :
Preheat oven to 175C, line a loaf tin with grease proof paper. Whisk A until stiff, add in B and mix well. Add in C and stir well. Place the dough into the lines loaf tin. Slightly shake the tin to remove the trapped air bubbles, bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Remove and leave to cool. Frozen in the fridge until firmed. Remove and cut into thin slices..arrange onto a baking tray. Bake in the preheated oven at 150C for 20 minute ( mine is 135C for 20 minute coz too thin) or until crispy, remove and leave to cool before storing..

The end...

Happy baking!!

