Rainbow Agar Agar - by Chris Tay

Rainbow Agar Agar

Transparent Agar Agar Layer

10g Agar Agar Powder
165g Sugar (original recipe calls for 250g which I find way too sweet)
950ml water
1/4 tsp Jelly Powder (optional)
2 pcs Pandan Leaves (knotted)

Coconut Milk Layer
10g Agar Agar Powder
160g Sugar
500ml Fresh Coconut Milk
450ml Water
1/4 tsp Jelly Powder (optional)
2pcs Pandan Leaves (knotted)

*For milk layer, I used 950ml fresh milk in place of coconut milk + water.

1) Prepare 2 pots, one for transparent agar agar and one for coconut milk.
2) Pour in agar agar powder to 950ml water + sugar to dissolve first, then boil till bubbles form.
3) Pour in agar agar powder to 450ml water to dissolve first, after which add in 500ml coconut milk +sugar. Boil till bubbles form.
* For milk agar agar, pour in agar agar powder to 950ml fresh milk + sugar to dissolve first, then boil till you see bubbles.

If you have 2 stoves, you may boil both mixtures together, otherwise boil one by one. It is essential to boil till bubbles form, if not the agar agar will not set.
4) Once both ready, you may choose to pour in whichever layer you like first. Add colour to the transparent agar agar.
I do not add colours to my coconut milk layers.
Each layer requires about 150ml agar agar but you will need to adjust as according to the design and size of your mould.

After each pouring, please touch the layer of agar agar with your finger first.
If the liquid does not stick to your finger, you may proceed with the next layer by very gently pouring in using a spoon to prevent air bubbles.
Repeat all layers until finish.
Leave to cool, then refrigerate for one hour before unmoulding.

It's important that you cover your agar agar liquid while in process to prevent it from setting. If you find that it's a bit set, you may reheat it till warm but not boiled.

