♡ NoBake Oreo Cheese ♡ - Fiona Lau (modified )

NoBake Oreo Cheese ♡ - Fiona Lau (modified )
 Make about 10 cup

Recipe Credit to Aicy Liau
The first sign is the fragrant of the chocolate sauce ...
and it's match the cheese so well,  Oreo cheese ... love, love
♪ ♫ ingredient

Oreo biscuit 280g - 2 pack (remove filling crushed)
Scs Unsalted Butter - 60g (melted)
Phil Cream cheese - 400g
Caster sugar - 70g
Whipping - 300g

1/2 tsp vanilla extra - Optional

1 lemon gaze - Optional but it taste even better

Compound Chocolate - 130g
Whipping- 130g
Fresh Milk- 60g
Cocoa powder - 1/2 Tbsp (sifted) -Optional
double boiling water and stir above ingredient until combine well till no lump - keep aside

Method :
1) crushed Oreo and melted butter together and mix well
2) Cream Phil cream Cheese with fine sugar together until fluffy and smooth (the longer you beat it will more smoother)
3) follow by( B)add in Whipping cream  to Cream cheese and beat until evenly ( after that place the batter in piping bag for easy squeeze out )
4) Prepare a small cup, add a tablespoon of Oreo on the first layer of the cup , layer the cream Cheese repeatedly steps..
5) Finally, pour the chocolate sauce over the cream cheese - set in fridge for four hours and above .. hope you enjoy this recipe .. cheer . ©

