Pandan Layer Cake - By Teng SK

Pandan Layer Cake
蛋糕体食谱 7寸模

1) 材料A拌均备用。
2) 材料B, 蛋白打起粗泡后加入塔塔粉,糖分三次加入, 打至硬性发泡。
3) 将1/3的蛋白霜加入蛋黄糊,以上下轻手拌均,再倒入2/3的蛋白霜里,继续拌均。
4) 倒入7寸铺好油纸的蛋糕模里,轻敲一敲,震出气泡。
5) 预热烤箱 170度 上下火,下层,50-55分钟至熟。
6) 脱模,蛋糕冷却后,表皮切除,分割三片。
咖椰层食谱 7寸圆形脱底模
400ml班兰叶( 400ml 水+8-10片(长)班兰叶搅烂,后过滤出来。
做法 - 所有的材料一起入锅煮滚,不停搅拌。
1) 将两大汤舀煮好的咖椰酱倒入模里,抹平。
2) 将第一片蛋糕放进去,确保旁边边缘都有空间。然后拿起模1寸高,在轻放下(就像蛋糕糊敲一敲一样)。
3) 在倒入同样的两汤舀咖椰酱,确保周边都要有咖椰酱留进去,抹平,同样拿起1寸高放下。
4) 在继续完成第四层咖椰酱。
5) 凉了以后,放进冰箱冷藏2-3小时,后脱模。
1) 蛋糕体和咖椰酱都用7寸,不怕会没空间,因为蛋糕冷却后,会稍微小了一些,如果用大一寸的模,旁边的咖椰层会很厚,切开层次感就没那么美了,所以最理想的是7寸。
2) 拿起1寸高在轻放下的原因是,蛋糕会均匀的粘着咖椰酱和咖椰酱不会有泡泡。咖椰层就没有洞洞,就会光滑。
3) 到准备要倒入咖椰酱时,先在模里涂上少许水,这样蛋糕就容易脱模。
4) 煮好的咖椰酱很快就浓凝固,如果担心还没做完就凝固了,可以离火后,取一个大盆,倒入热水,隔着热水里,这样就不会那么快凝固。
5) 隔天后,蛋糕更好吃^^

Pandan Layer Cake
7-inch cake mold
ingredient A

4 egg yolks
20 g sugar
60 g corn oil
40 g of concentrated coconut milk
20 g pandan liquid
90 g plain flour bottom
ingredient B
4 protein
1/4Tsp cream of tartar
50 g sugar
Practice (general practice chiffon)
1) A mixed materials are spare.
2) Material B, crude protein playing bubble 后加入塔塔 flour, add sugar three times, beat until stiff.
3) The protein cream 1/3 of adding egg yolk paste, mix well over the next light hand, then pour the meringue 2/3 years, continues to mix well.
4) Pour 7-inch paved the cake in greaseproof paper, tapping a knock, slips out of the bubble.
5) Preheat oven to 170 degrees up and down the fire, the lower ,50-55 minutes until cooked.
6) release, after the cake to cool, skin removed, split three-piece.
Kaya recipe 7-inch round layer off the bottom mold
Material A
Pandan leaves 400ml (400ml water +8-10 pieces (long) pandan leaves whipped, filtered out.
300ml coconut milk
100 grams of sugar
Pinch of salt
8g jelly powder
Practices - along with all the material the wok and bring to boil, stirring constantly.
Material B
300ml water
85 g mung bean flour
* Stir filtered out.
* Then add in (A), transfer a small fire, stirring constantly until slightly thick, flame away from the fire.
Cake Decoration
1) The two soup ladle pour the cooked kaya mold inside, smooth.
2) The first piece of cake into them, make sure the side edges have space. Then pick up the mold 1 inch high, the light down (like cake batter knocked the same).
3) In the same two soup ladle into kaya ensure that the surrounding should have kaya stay inside, smooth, also picked up an inch high down.
4) In the fourth layer proceed kaya.
5) After cool, refrigerate for 2-3 hours, after stripping.
Warm Tips
1) cake body and kaya are seven inches, no space will be afraid, because the cake to cool slightly smaller number, if one inch of mold, kaya next layer will be very thick, cut layering on not so beautiful, so the best is 7 inches.
2) Pick up an inch higher in the light down the reason is that the cake will be uniform and adhesive kaya kaya not have bubbles. Kaya layer there is no hole, it will be smooth.
3) When ready to pour into the kaya, first coated with a little water in the mold, the cake so it is easy to mold.
4) cooked kaya soon concentrated solidified, if not done solidified worry, you can away from the fire, take a large bowl, pour hot water, across the hot water, so would not be so fast solidification.
5) The next day, the cake is more delicious ^ ^

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